Thursday 30 June 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #10[1.9 Version]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #10[1.9 Version]

Welcome Back to another Minecraft Newbie Tutorial guys! Today i am gonna talk about 1.9 UPDATE! cool right? I BET SO!! There are many things on 1.9 update. Example of new things are Shulker[mob], end city[new end city] and much more! Firstly Shulker.


So, this is a mob which you can only find in End City. This mob is call shulker! Shulker is one of the most dangerous mob because this mob wont hit you! It will just shoot stars such as shown on the image above! Honestly, you dont wanna get hit by those stars because if you get hit by one of them, you will sloat for maybe 5-10 sec and once you levitate up high and if the time ends for levitating, you will fall hard to the ground and theres a chance you will die if you don't have armor! Theres also a way to teleport and dodge these shulkers! Firstly, you need to fly around end city and take the chorus fruit which are like the picture below! 


You see the chorus plant down there which is pointing up to the sky? These are chorus plant! Once you mine them you can take it's fruit which are called chorus fruit! It is a fruit like once you ate it, you will teleport somewhere randomly but remember it will only teleport you somewhere random but not too far away! Example like you are being chase by the star of the shulker, so you need to eat the chorus fruit and it will just teleport you to somewhere random but not too far away like maybe 20-30 blocks away?mInside those castle of end city, there are some armor or weapons which have mending enchantment! It's a new enchantment book too! There are much more Enchantment book but i dont think that i have much time to cover all the books that are in the 1.9 update!  Now, there are also gold and iron in chests! You can even steal End rod which looks like a stick but it can glow! It also has particles which looks like a shiny particles!

Not just that! There are also many different kind of arrows!! But what? There is one special bow which is the Spectral Arrow, Healing arrow and lots more! 


They also added shields! Which you can dodge from Skeletons! I know it's annoying because when you wanna reach it and kill it! It will keep shooting arrows at you and make you die through the way and unfortunately you will die! You can make shield like banners! You can decorate it, colour it and lots more! All arrows have thier own weaknesses and powerness! SHield can be easily broken but it's already worth it! Mending enchantment book if im not mistaken, it uses ur EXP to make your weapons that has that enchantment, repair Itself!!!!!! COOL ISN'T IT?!! I know right!! For me, i think that that enchantment book is one of the best enchantment book! I love that book but it's kinda hard to get! You can find these books at End City! Hardly to get but once you get it i know you'll be happy! 

Elytra and Dragon Head!

The thing behind these character, is called elytra! And what he is wearing is called Dragon Head! Dragon Head can be also found in End City and elytra also! It's kinda hard to get but it's cool! Elytra can make you fly from mountains so you will not fall hard to ground! You can repair elytra's by using leather! Draon Head can be decorations for your house or you can be Showing-Off~! to people that you are cool and awesome because dragon heads are really hard to get and it's kinda rare! For if your skin has cape, then if you wear elytra, your elytra will be transform like a transformer, and it will be like the picture as shown! It also works as same as a normal elytra and it will be more nicer and prettier than before!


This is a new update for people who loves holding thinks with two hands! 1.9 Update can now hold things with two hands! AWESOME 1.9 UPDATE!!!! LOVE IT!! you can even hold shield with two hands! Thanks to Notch! Love that guy! He's actually the creator of minecraft! We must respect him! He did all this! Thanks to his hardwork, now we can have fun! You can kill people easyly with two hands!

Weapons Limit

Now don't worry about the sword his holding because its a mod! NVM DONT WORRY ABOUT MODS! So, now Diamond sword cant beat Wooden,stone ,iron,gold and diamonds axe! Now theres a limit also for axes! Axes now is the best weapon now in Minecraft! If you keep on spamming fastly on PVP you will not get much damage because the limit need to charge full then only you can hit then damage will be high! Remember guys that use Axes than using sword in PvP because you will die easily in Minecraft Pvp server if you spam! The fastest rate of fire is Hoe! But remember that eventhough you use hoe as your favourite weapon you will sometime lose because if the rate of fire is fast and if the charge is also fast! You wont deal enough damage! In this tutorial are many things about 1.9 update and some i haven't talk about are also here such as potions, Purpur slabs/block and much more! 

Video On 1.9 UPDATE!

How's the tutorial? I know I know! There are much more things that i haven't said yet but in the tutorial i know that you have already learn alot of things! Cool update right? I bet so!

Thank You

Thursday 23 June 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #9[How to Find Diamonds?]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #9[How to Find Diamonds?]

Welcome Back To another Minecraft Newbie Tutorial! Today, i'm going to show you how to find diamonds like very easily but tricky. Okay, firstly about diamonds, what is it? Is it good? Is it Valuable? Or it is just a waste finding/keeping them? Actually, Diamonds are the most valubale things you can find in minecraft. Diamonds are also the material that is one of the strongest material on minecraft! Now, you might be wondering 'How To Find Diamonds?!!' That's why your in the right tutorial! Firstly, to find diamonds, you must always remember to go to caves or dungeon. That's only the first step! Secondly, dig down the dirt and make it like a stairs to go down so that you can come back up when your done! Like this as shown!

2 types! 
You see? It's actually based on your choice for which one is better or like. The advantages for the first one is that you don't need to waste cobble or any building materials. You are also safe. Disadvantages is that you might be chased by mobs and you will fall hard to ground like example creepers will chase you. So? Remember to bring all set of weapon which are Sword[Fight Enemies], Pickaxe[Mine Ores],Axe[Break Wood because if you bring wood material to build stairs, you have them :D] and lastly Shovel[ same as axe info but this time is dirt]. The second picture advantages are that you are safe and you will sprint accurately without anyone disturbing. The disadvatage is that you might have mobs such as skeletons and it will shoot you till death when you cant even reach it. So, bring bow[ to kill any mobs such as skeletons creepers and zombies! :D] 

This is also a tutorial on 'How To Find Diamonds'
Rmember guys, you can also use stairs but it's quite slow to get up when skeletons are on top or zombies. So, becareful when you are using Ladders!

Guys remember that I will make a tutorial on Minecraft Version 1.10 which is fro PC and other devices! On 1.10 update, I will focus on it's newblock, spawn eggs and much more! You can also now find End Fotress on Version 1.9+ The End Fotress is like a castle full of Shulkers which shoots something like a flying star and if you get hit with it, you will get a splash damage on your body and you will float on thin air. The only way to dodge shulker is to eat Chorus fruit. All of this I will teach you guys more on Version 1.9 - 1.10 so beready because this tutorial is gonna be really lobg because these version have really changed alot of things. Please like all my post and comment what should I do for another Minecraft Newbie Tutorial! 

Thank You!

Thursday 16 June 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #8[Parkour]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #8[Parkour]

Hi! What's Up people?! Welcome to another Minecraft Newbie Tutorial! Today's tutorial is about Parkour! What's parkour? Firstly, parkour is a game where you need to pass through obstacles like shown on the image above. Parkour can train your sprinting skills and like you can jump faster through blocks. To build a simple parkour obstacles or map firstly you need to know about which block slows you down or make you jump like trampolin! What is a slime block? I know what your already thinking! You may be wondering that slime blocks are disgusting and really sticky as a slime obviously! I will talk about this later after this video! ENJOY!

Parkour Tutorial

Nice isn't it? And the best thing is, it's easy to build! Parkour is about fun and skills. Like when you have fun playing the parkour obstacles, you will learn and gain more expereince on parkour! So, on other servers, you will have skills do jump on obstacles and run!
Now, you wanna see PROFESSIONAL'S PLAY PARKOUR? IT WILL TOTALLY SHOCKED U BECAUSE, they sprint accurately and jump on every block very accurately. Now, this youtuber's name is Prezton or PrestonPlayz. He is one of the best minecraft parkour player if you ask.

Prezton Playing Parkour Like A Boss!

Good Right? These guys are really professional players on parkour maps and obstacles like these. And a very shocking thing is...... They Are much more better than me! I am really shy to tell you guys about this. And about just now, slime blocks are a block that makes you jump high lieka trampolin. Example, the higher you clim and drop yourself, the higher you will be blast by the slime block. Blocks that makes you slow are the Soul Sand. Soul sand can be found in Nether and to craft slime block you need slime balls and fill the whole space of the crafting table. The advantages of parkour are it's fun and you will experience parkour better and better. While the disadvantages are that you may 'RAGE QUIT' but please keep trying because 'PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT' and you may always fall in parkour so i think you should build this in ur minecraft world and set it to /gamemode 0 to make youself turn to creative on your survival world.

Build your minecraft obstacles for your parkour training easy as shown on the video because your just a begginer on Parkour. To build parkour obstacles harder watch this tutorial. WARNING! PLEASE FINISH BUILDING YOUR EASY MODE PARKOUR OBSTACLES FIRST! OR YOU WILL NOT SUCEED IN PARKOUR!

Parkour Tutorial Harder!
Hard right? I'm sorry but it's ok because once you experience about parkour you will know about parkour and you will learn things more and more!
For more information, please visit ''
Hopefully you enjoyed this video!
Thank You and
Have a Nice Day!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #7[Dyes]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #7[Dyes]

Hi! Welcome back to another tutorial! In this tutorial, I will teach you about....... DYES! What are dyes in Minecraft?! Don't know? Your in the right tutorial! Dyes are something that looks like this!
It's also easy to make set of leather armor colour! The more you have dyes, the darker the leather set armor will be! REMEMBER! craft this in your INVENTORY only can! Try in crafting table{suprise~}if it can work then good!~ This is like an adventure to you and your job is to know more about Minecraft and build and everything based on the tutorial i thought you! 

Colourful Armors 


Video How to make colour armors!
Hopefully this tutorial will teach you how to dye armors! REMEMBER! only leather armors can be dye! For other colour combinations, please feel free to watch in youtube about how to make different colour combinations! 
So, it kinda looks like abit weird but it's worth it! It can do alot kinds of things like example! You can make your set of leather armor colour!! That cool right? You can even use dyes to make sheeps colour! Lol! I know it's kinda weird but it's cool too! Now, how to get dyes? Look at the picture carefully, not just these dyes, there are green dyes and also ink sac and also bone meal. You can call them dyes too but actually they dont belong to these dyes but they can make colours too! Do you see the flowers at the back? Yes! These flowers can make dyes. REMEMBER! only cactus must be burn in furnace to make green dyes but also REMEBER! flowers can only be craft in crafting table.
 Here is a tutorial about how to make dyes and craft them.

Tutorial About Dyes!
So, how's the tutorial? It's pretty cool! Thanks again people who are commenting on my post and my blog! Hope you guys understand about Minecraft now!
Thanks Again!

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #6[Breeding]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #6[Breeding]

Hi! Welcome back to another tutorial about Breeding in Minecraft!
What is breeding in Minecraft? Breeding is like example animals!
How does animals breed? What must you do to make them breed?
Don't know? Luckily your in the right tutorial! Let me show you a picture first!

Animals Breeding!

This is just some animlas breeding! There are more but this is just an example of how it look likes! Now, the first thing you must know about breeding is their food for them to breed. First of all, for pigs you need carrots, chicken you need seeds which are only wheat seeds, horse are apples, wolfs are bone. There are much and much more animals that have different kinds of food for them. To see if they are breeding, you need to take the food which belong to the right animals and give it to one pig and another pig so they will start to breed! To know if they are breeding, you will see a loving particles as shown in the image. Here is a video to show you how to breed, whats the food and whats the food for different animals!

Breeding Tutorial(Some animals)
Did this video taught you well? I hope so, if it doesn't, please go watch at youtube for different kinds of animls and what do they eat to breed or another word you can call tame!
Thank You!

Friday 20 May 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #5[Enchants]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #5[Enchants]

Hi! Welcome to another newbie tutorial! In this tutorial, I will teach you about enchants! Let's start! First thing, you need to know about enchants are you will be much more stronger and tougher with enchants! It's Great Right? I bet i is! Without enchants, we will be much more boring in Minecraft because if you use a normal sword, armor or tools, it will be very boring and you will be noob in minecraft pvp. And you don't want it right? So now i will teach you!

Enchant Books

This is how it look like. Cool right? These books are really powerfula dn it has thier own advantages and disadvantages. Different books have different enchantments, for different weapons and armor. Example the book called 'Flame I' This book is only usable for a bow which makes the arrow flammable. To create these books you need a book obviously and you need lapiz lazuli to make books like these and remember the more XP you have, the better the enchantments will be for you. Place all these materials in an enchantment table which looks like this! ALERT! if you have bookshelf, build it like the example below to make your enchanting better and nicer!

Enchantment Table [How to craft, enchant and build]

These are the steps to enchant! Well, now you know what are enchants, I will teach you even deeper and that is how to collect XP? To collect XP you will need to kill mobs to get xp and it looks like below a shown. You can use XP for enchants. Even easier you can build your own spawner as shown below.

XP and XP Farm!

How does XP Farm works?It works by building a dark room on top and do not put any light or mobs won't spawn when there is light. So, leave it there for 3-5 mins and mobs will spawn. ALERT! Put water on top to make mobs fall down from high ground! Mobs will eventually fall in these tubes and break a glass below the ground and kill it using your tools or hands and eventually you will get XP!

XP Farm Tutorial

So, how's the tutorial? Cool right? This is kinda hard to build but it's pretty and it's worth it! The better way to build this is on Creative Mode which has unlimited resources for you to build things easily!

                                                        Thank You!

Thursday 19 May 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #4[Pvp]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #4[PvP]

To attack or defend you need weapons obviously! The best weapon is diamond sword and to defend yourself from other enemies in multiplayer or mobs, you need diamond armor or golden armor. These 2 are the best attacks and defends!

Diamond Sword And Diamond Armor!

This is only diamond but you will find out what does golden armor 
or sword does. The best way to play this is on PvP which is on a multiplayer server. If you wanna try and shoot enemies without them hitting you, you can use bow which is used for far range. ALERT! you can enchant weapons to make your weapons better, stronger and tougher. Like example, you enchant your bow 'infinity'
and that means that your bow is just using 1 arrow for unlimited times to shoot and you don't have to worry about losing arrows or run out of arrows.  

                              PVP Tutorial!
This tutorial is abit confusing because it shows you in slow motion. So, if you want to understand more just find videos on Youtube or ask me anything in the comments and I will teach you. Please leave comments on the comment section below to let me know anything that you are scared of. You just need to remember sprinting always, Need golden apple to help you regenerate health,bow and the diamond tools above! This is just a short tutorial about PvP because when you join a server or at survival you will eventually learn more things like I did!


Thursday 12 May 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #3[Villagers]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #3[Villagers]


This is a farmer villager, he lives in villages with all his other villagers. All villagers maximum health is 10. Unfortunately, they cant attack anything but they can trade with you and that is a good thing! They have 0 experience and when they die they drop nothing.

Types Of Villagers

These are the types of villagers! Different villagers have different kind of clothes. These villagers are useful because they can help you trade things like bread, coal and much more! They live in a village which is really nice and peaceful in the day. But, when night falls, zombies and other mobs come and attacks the villagers and if the villagers get bitten by a zombie, they TURN INTO ONE!!!
So, if they turn into one, they are also a zombie villager so they are not kind like normal zombie.



On day it's peaceful and nice but on Night time?Scary right? Zombies can break through wooden doors. Villagers need to run and hide to survive the night or they will turn into one of them!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #2[HouseBuilding]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #2[HouseBuilding]


This is a sample of a small wooden house. To build a house, it depends on what material you wanna use like if you want to build a wooden house, then you need to use obviously wood and if you want to build a quartz modern house, you need to use quartz!
On the right hand-side, it's quartz modern house while the left one is wooden house.
How To Build A Wooden House?

This is a simple tutorial about how to build a simple minecraft wooden house. This tutorial is just for beginners who don't really know how to build a starter house. If you dont know how to build a small wooden minecraft house, well, your in the right tutorial!
If the tutorial of a house is too hard to build in survival, try using creative. Creative is the best mode for building things or even crafting for beginners like you!

Minecraft Newbie Tutoria l#1[Crafting N Intoduction]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #1(Crafting N Intoduction)

WELCOME BACK TO MY MINECRAFTNEWBIE TUTORIAL!! This is my first tutorial!  Firstly, what you need to know about minecaft is that you need materials to survive the 1st night! There are much more things than just building , you can also kill mobs tame animals and much more! Visit my tutorial for more information! Ok now let's begin!To craft, you need to have materials like example wood. There are different kind of wood like oak wood, birch wood, spruce wood, jungle wood, acacia, dark wood. First step you need to know about crafting is wood. Wood is our main resources, because without wood we cant do anything. These are the samples of crafting things.

There are more things to craft but this is just the basics for crafting. The basics are pickaxe, axe, hoe,sword,arrows,bow and chest. The stronger the materials are, the better it will be. Like example diamonds. Diamonds is the best material in Minecraft . More people prefer diamonds than gold and iron because it can make you stronger and better. Some other people who dont have diamonds will be jealous at you haha!! So, want diamonds? find a cave and deep below the ground there are many diamond ore, gold ore and much more! While your in a cave, beware that there are many kinds of monster. So, remember to bring a torch with u.

This a sample of a small cave. There are much more bigger size but this is just a sample of what a cave looks like in Minecraft. Minecraft don't just have caves, it also has Dungeon! Dungeon is much more deeper and there is lava, water and also mobs!

In dungeon, there is mob spawner which is on the middle of the screen and it looks like a box full of metal. It could spawn zombies or skeletons or maybe other mobs. So, pls becareful and kill all the mobs in there and also mine the spawner or it will keep spawning mobs that are in the spawner!