Welcome Back to another Minecraft Newbie Tutorial guys! Today i am gonna talk about 1.9 UPDATE! cool right? I BET SO!! There are many things on 1.9 update. Example of new things are Shulker[mob], end city[new end city] and much more! Firstly Shulker.
So, this is a mob which you can only find in End City. This mob is call shulker! Shulker is one of the most dangerous mob because this mob wont hit you! It will just shoot stars such as shown on the image above! Honestly, you dont wanna get hit by those stars because if you get hit by one of them, you will sloat for maybe 5-10 sec and once you levitate up high and if the time ends for levitating, you will fall hard to the ground and theres a chance you will die if you don't have armor! Theres also a way to teleport and dodge these shulkers! Firstly, you need to fly around end city and take the chorus fruit which are like the picture below!

You see the chorus plant down there which is pointing up to the sky? These are chorus plant! Once you mine them you can take it's fruit which are called chorus fruit! It is a fruit like once you ate it, you will teleport somewhere randomly but remember it will only teleport you somewhere random but not too far away! Example like you are being chase by the star of the shulker, so you need to eat the chorus fruit and it will just teleport you to somewhere random but not too far away like maybe 20-30 blocks away?mInside those castle of end city, there are some armor or weapons which have mending enchantment! It's a new enchantment book too! There are much more Enchantment book but i dont think that i have much time to cover all the books that are in the 1.9 update! Now, there are also gold and iron in chests! You can even steal End rod which looks like a stick but it can glow! It also has particles which looks like a shiny particles!
Not just that! There are also many different kind of arrows!! But what? There is one special bow which is the Spectral Arrow, Healing arrow and lots more!
They also added shields! Which you can dodge from Skeletons! I know it's annoying because when you wanna reach it and kill it! It will keep shooting arrows at you and make you die through the way and unfortunately you will die! You can make shield like banners! You can decorate it, colour it and lots more! All arrows have thier own weaknesses and powerness! SHield can be easily broken but it's already worth it! Mending enchantment book if im not mistaken, it uses ur EXP to make your weapons that has that enchantment, repair Itself!!!!!! COOL ISN'T IT?!! I know right!! For me, i think that that enchantment book is one of the best enchantment book! I love that book but it's kinda hard to get! You can find these books at End City! Hardly to get but once you get it i know you'll be happy!
Elytra and Dragon Head!

The thing behind these character, is called elytra! And what he is wearing is called Dragon Head! Dragon Head can be also found in End City and elytra also! It's kinda hard to get but it's cool! Elytra can make you fly from mountains so you will not fall hard to ground! You can repair elytra's by using leather! Draon Head can be decorations for your house or you can be Showing-Off~! to people that you are cool and awesome because dragon heads are really hard to get and it's kinda rare! For if your skin has cape, then if you wear elytra, your elytra will be transform like a transformer, and it will be like the picture as shown! It also works as same as a normal elytra and it will be more nicer and prettier than before!

This is a new update for people who loves holding thinks with two hands! 1.9 Update can now hold things with two hands! AWESOME 1.9 UPDATE!!!! LOVE IT!! you can even hold shield with two hands! Thanks to Notch! Love that guy! He's actually the creator of minecraft! We must respect him! He did all this! Thanks to his hardwork, now we can have fun! You can kill people easyly with two hands!
Weapons Limit

Now don't worry about the sword his holding because its a mod! NVM DONT WORRY ABOUT MODS! So, now Diamond sword cant beat Wooden,stone ,iron,gold and diamonds axe! Now theres a limit also for axes! Axes now is the best weapon now in Minecraft! If you keep on spamming fastly on PVP you will not get much damage because the limit need to charge full then only you can hit then damage will be high! Remember guys that use Axes than using sword in PvP because you will die easily in Minecraft Pvp server if you spam! The fastest rate of fire is Hoe! But remember that eventhough you use hoe as your favourite weapon you will sometime lose because if the rate of fire is fast and if the charge is also fast! You wont deal enough damage! In this tutorial are many things about 1.9 update and some i haven't talk about are also here such as potions, Purpur slabs/block and much more!
Video On 1.9 UPDATE!
How's the tutorial? I know I know! There are much more things that i haven't said yet but in the tutorial i know that you have already learn alot of things! Cool update right? I bet so!
Thank You