Thursday 19 May 2016

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #4[Pvp]

Minecraft Newbie Tutorial #4[PvP]

To attack or defend you need weapons obviously! The best weapon is diamond sword and to defend yourself from other enemies in multiplayer or mobs, you need diamond armor or golden armor. These 2 are the best attacks and defends!

Diamond Sword And Diamond Armor!

This is only diamond but you will find out what does golden armor 
or sword does. The best way to play this is on PvP which is on a multiplayer server. If you wanna try and shoot enemies without them hitting you, you can use bow which is used for far range. ALERT! you can enchant weapons to make your weapons better, stronger and tougher. Like example, you enchant your bow 'infinity'
and that means that your bow is just using 1 arrow for unlimited times to shoot and you don't have to worry about losing arrows or run out of arrows.  

                              PVP Tutorial!
This tutorial is abit confusing because it shows you in slow motion. So, if you want to understand more just find videos on Youtube or ask me anything in the comments and I will teach you. Please leave comments on the comment section below to let me know anything that you are scared of. You just need to remember sprinting always, Need golden apple to help you regenerate health,bow and the diamond tools above! This is just a short tutorial about PvP because when you join a server or at survival you will eventually learn more things like I did!


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